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CSU Invitational Mathematics Tournament - Columbus State University

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Department of Mathematics

CSU Invitational Mathematics Tournament

Saturday, March 9th, 2024

The 50th Annual Math Tournament Schedule (PDF)

Students in all grade levels at the invited high schools may participate.  We invite all the schools that have participated in the past and are currently accepting new schools.  Team sponsors may contact the Mathematics Department by email at to request being added to our invitation mailing list.  The list of invitees spans much of west central Georgia and east central Alabama.

Outstanding individual and school performances are recognized during the awards ceremony. Please see our list of awards below.

To find your way to the tournament, see our campus map. The tournament takes place in Stanley Hall.

Information and Forms

Please consult the tournament schedule to see the order of events during the competition.

Registration Form

Tournament rules (PDF)

To receive more information about the math tournament, please contact the Mathematics Department by email at

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